Monday, February 7, 2011

RSS Feeds! How....... interesting.

I've been using Google Reader for the past week or so now and i must say i'm not really a fan =\ Sure there are multiple ways to adds an RSS feed to Google Reader, some which include using the RSS feed button located right on the web sites one wishes to add to his/her reader, using the RSS notifier button located right beside the favorite button on your internet toolbar, and the final way i found to add an RRS feed to your reader would be the "add a subscription" button located right on the Google Reader interface itself. For someone who normally visits multiple websites daily, a reader would definitely cut down the time need to check each individual website,thus giving them more time to do other things (obviously this would vary form person to person). Although i'm not a fan of this application it doesn't exactly have any draw backs that i can think of :S Another benefit of a reader is the organization it provides, unlike most internet surfers who have lists of favorites, Google Reader allows users to keep all their favorite sites neatly organized. Like i said, even though there are no draw backs to using a reader application I still wasn't a huge fan for the sole reason that i honestly don't think i follow enough web sites for a reader to be completely affective.

Oh well it is what it is.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Twiddily Tweet Twitter

SNOW DAY! Yes that's right us university kids get snow days too lol. But time to get down to business.... Twitter. I've had a Twitter account for a while now and by using I have learned that it is a great source of information, not only from individuals, but from all forms of media, even corporations. In my opinion it is a useful tool for quick up to the minute up dates like "Jake got a new car!" or "4-2, go team go!". But with a limited word count per update Twitter lacks the capacity to provide in depth updates unlike that of a blog post. On the upside though, Twitter has a very easy to use interface that in my opinion is appropriate for all ages, also with the ability to post pictures, videos, and tag friends in what is known as "tweets", Twitter provides it's users with a variety of options to make tweets more then just a simple status update. Finally Twitter also provides users with the option to send updates via wireless devices (ie. cell phones, Ipods, etc...) this also allows for quick updates on the go which unlike blogging allows users to stay mobile. All in all i believe that Twitter is a useful tool for users who wish to keep their updates quick and too the point. Lets face it, we all have pretty busy lives, some of us don't have enoughs hours in the day to sit down at a computer and type out a whole story.

Sometimes it's just easier to say "Ryan for the win"    

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

3 blogs of epic proportion!

The time... 5:40pm. The location... my apartment (more specifically my couch). The ambiance... well the lights are on and there is awesome dubstep music emanating from my laptop speakers........ Seems like as good a time as any to write a blog post! I was on the other night (for those of you who have never experienced stumbleupon i HIGHLY recommend it, great for passing the time and overall just amazing) when i stumbled upon (lol) a website called, after wandering the site for a while i came across a very interesting blog title "(Off) The Grid, the Bad and the Ugly". by a guy named Will Conley. Basically the blog is about people in the US who have chosen to live "off the grid". Now this Will guy provides some figures (ie. there are roughly 200,000 people who live off the grid) but i'm not exactly sure how reliable these figures are, aside from that i found this blog to be really interesting. Will also took the time to include a trailer for a documentary all about these people living off the grid in New Mexico called "Off The Grid: Life on the Mesa" which i definitely intend on checking out! Another blog i came across (this time not on stumbleupon) was about the calorie content of common foods you could find if you were in a survival like scenario. Unfortunately there is no author posted but he/she does go into detail about what vegetables one should have in their garden just in case, as well as how many calories are in certain wild animals (from bear to squirrel) as well as fish and insects (interesting). This unknown author conveys this info via charts which he/she stated was gathered from a website and not personal knowledge. Sure this might not be useful at the present moment, but hey it doesn't hurt to plan a head right? The last blog i came across is one of the musical variety, again with an unknown other this blog was a lot more personal then the others. The author talked about when he first discovered dubstep and how before dubstep he used to listen to hardcore music (which even after dubstep he still does). I could really relate to this blog in the sense that this exact same thing happened to me! It made for an interesting read because i could relate to the blogger which i think helped him convey what he was trying to say. This is my first blog ever, and really my first time ever looking at other blogs and needless to say it's an interesting experience. In my opinion i find them useful because you can choose what you want to read and what you don't, not to mention you get quick up to the minute updates that would be impossible to achieve with any standard none digital form of media. And finally blogger itself. Entertaining? Interesting? Useful? All very true although at first i found the interface a tad confusing to use, but like any new program the only way you can get better at it is to just play around with it........ or if you're to lazy to do that then you can follow this motto...... like any new program the only way you can get better at it....... watch tutorials on youtube.